Tuesday, February 24, 2009


this week has been one of those weeks that i NEVER want to relive EVER AGAIN!!!!
lets start by the good news...
my mother's birthday was on the 23rd....
right after my sister's birthdays is the 25th....
ANDDDD at the end of this week i need to send another present for my good friend at montreal
ANDDDD i need to finish that letter im going to send to the girl i meet on valentine's day...
money money money
yet i never put any effort in applying XD

You should know that i txt alot...
So today i was txting my ex dunno why i guess i missed her....
But then i didn't want to tell her that i missed her and i wanted to talk to her face to face,
Because of many reasons...one of them was because i wanted to see her XD.... Naturally...
The other was her facial expression... You have no idea how many conclusions i can pull up with only one's facial expression
Another was that by txting you can take back your words before sending it... So i wanted to know exactly what she wanted to tell me...
Then there's the thing with txting when you want to, for example, asking someone out or breaking up with someone......

But anyway she got pissed and yelled at my ass...
I guess i deserved it... Well i mean i WAS the one that wanted to talk...And i didn't want to tell her over txts and how am i supposed to know she was a writer type and not the communicative..
Well anyway what has done has been done...there's no turning back from here on...
Im going to see how it goes...
and i hope she would finally understand me...


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentines night

hey all
i know its been a while since i've posted something, but anyways,
i kinda purposely waited for something interesting to happen..
and it did!!!

Saturday was Valentines day, and I was bored...
So I got this program called IMVU, it's a random chat program,
And I meet this fantastic girl online from Brunei beside Malaysia...

BESIDE Malaysia!!!!!
XD anyhow the thing that i want to say is that she is a great person...
She's smart, pretty, cute, kind, understandable......and far XD

Almost everyday i arranged myself to be online at that specific time,
Because at that specific time she gets off from school,
Then we talk until i think i'm going to crash.

When I meet her it was like Christmas all over again,
I mean she needed me, and I got someone I can talk to in harsh times...
Come to think of it...I didn't even get anything during xmas XD

Anyway it's been a week already...
And it feels like we know each other since the beginning of time XD

Anybody interested into going Brunei any time soon????
....With me?!?!? XD


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hey all
Today is one of those days that was just totally there.
Today is the day where the JROTC peps wear their uniform and look all fancy and stuffs...

It started as a typical day like the others...
Went to class,
Sleep in English,
Yell at people that are being fags...
Yep the typical day of Jimmy Phung...

After school i went to Special Teams practice,
Which consisted of drilling and map reading,
But that's beside the point...

What i wanted to tell you that was what happened after i thought it was just a normal day like the others,
What ended that typical day was at McDonalds after practice,
The usual group of people that were always at every practice and which i usually hang out with always go to McDonalds after practice...
It's probably a tradition nowadays XD

Well you see...
There was this guy...
A guy tapped my shoulder and asked me and my friend to help him...
He precisely said "Can you two come and help me? There's an unconscious man in the restroom."
Then i was like O.O
But i went to help him anyway...

When i went to the restroom,
I saw a pair of legs sticking out from the booth,
And the man opened the door,
And i saw another man lying on his own puke.

It was pretty disturbing,
Piles of puke everywhere,
Foams looking thing coming out from the guy's mouth,
And worst part of all was that the guy had his pants down -.-'
But one chance his boxers where still on XD

So the next thing i knew,
Was me grabbing the guy's legs and holding them tight,
My friend had his chest,
And the other conscious dude was holding his head facing the wall so the unconscious dude won't choke on his own puke...

A cashier or maybe the manager came and called 911,
Few minutes a firetruck, closely followed by an ambulance showed up in front of the McDs,
Then the dude that got us let the others handle the situation,
By the time help came we were able to make the guy gain consciousness and talk a bit,
So as we headed back to "our spot,"
The Medics had everything under control.

Apparently he had an overdose of drugs or something like that...
Or maybe he just had some random seizure XD

Well anyway
It was a great experience...
I mean it wasn't really cool to almost die from drowning in your own puke,
But it was the first crisis i've experienced since I've gotten my first aid certificate.

Ah well,
That was my INTERESTING day ^^
Hope you liked it.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Ahh a rainy day at last.......

Hola all ^^
So where should i start...
I should warn you that it's kinda long....
Let's just start from where i was in the morning ready to get out from the house to meet a friend at school...
Then just out of nowhere i was like "OMG!!!! IT'S RAINING!!!!"
So THAT'S how i started my day...

Basically it was flooded everywhere,
I could easily fit my whole feet under the amount of water there were...
So as you can easily tell....by the time i arrived to school my foot was soaked wet...
But what sucked the most was when i stepped out from the house,
It was POURING!!!
I mean big time!
As crazy as i was i ignored the fact that i was getting soaked...
I like the rain...
Rain is water,
The majority of your body is made from water...

Anyway, i walked to the Richman elementary school,
And got tired of walking in the pouring rain so i called a friend that lived nearby,
I asked to borrow an umbrella,
She said she was going to look for it...
And guess what?
She didn't find it...
Imagine what happened next?
The rain stopped raining that hard...
So i finished by walking in the comforting drizzle of a rain.

As i reached farther in my journey to Fullerton Union High School,
I decided to ask another friend for an umbrella...
Then she says that its kinda old,
But an umbrella is an umbrella,
So i went to see her to borrow the darn thing,
And at the end it WAS old...
It was rusted in several spot and sand-y.

I abandoned the idea of the quest for an umbrella,
And continued my journey to the far end of the earth!
Nothing very interesting happened after that...
Just few exception of stepping in puddles and jumping over flooded area.

Oh, Oh, Oh, here comes the good part....
I was at Starbucks...
WAITING for the person that planned all this XD
Isn't that great??
HAHAHA just joking it was fun looking at people walking from one side to the other.
But one person caught my eye...
A person of small stature...
Curly, brown hair...
And guess what, guess what??

Then after that, when everybody arrived...
Including this one guy that came by train,
We all went to Downtown Fullerton,
Went to different stores just to window-shop,
After we checked the stores out,
We went to the park to mess around,
Climbing on top of stuffs,
Running across the playground...
Acting like kids basically...
Yes, I know sometimes, me too I forget that I'm a senior...
After our little playground we decided to jump around in the parking lot,
Climbing up and down was fun...

Then we decided to go to Target where the dude from the train station stopped to grab a doughnut on the way.
I guess i forgot to mention that we were two girls and two guys....
So if you understood what i told you so far,
You would deduce that the two guys went to the doughnut shop,
And somewhat ditched the two girls.
So they decided to go to Toys 'r' us,
And closely followed by an Asian and a white guy with a doughnut stuffed in his mouth.
It was interesting about what we found and could make fun about there...

So we left the place and went to grab a bite at In And Out,
Dude...I made a mistake of adding salt in my fries...
I won't be surprised if I die from salt overdose XD

Suddenly got a call from my sister BEGGING me to go watch Coraline, Caroline WHATEVER IT'S CALLED!!! with her...
So i finally went and I still feel bad from ditching my friends at Target...
But anyway...
After tons of call,
My friend that couldn't find her umbrella came to the movies with me,
With two other guys from school,

Nothing interesting happened after that,
Except that i got that password for the Nike Dunks ^^
Not telling you how to get it MUHAHAHA,

After all that,
I think we went home,
And that's where my story ends...
Hope you enjoyed reading my INTERESTING day ^^


Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hey, it's JimmyJimJim
I think i should just cut the chase and tell you some stuffs about me...
So here it is....

I'm a Chinese immigrant from Canada/Quebec/Montreal.
I live in Fullerton with my mother, father and annoying sister...
I like to fool around with people.
But most of the time i know when to stop...
So people find me funny and not obnoxious.
I think I'm a cat person ... maybe it's because I'm too lazy to get out of my house to walk him XD
Food? PIZZA!!! HAMBURGER!!! But everything is the same to me anyway...
My favorite colors are black and red.
I don't really have any favorite movies because i just watch them for passing the time but i enjoy animes such as Bleach, Gundam, Death Note, and many more.
Most of my time are spent on the computer or under tons of books...yes I'm a bookworm...
And sometimes when I have some ideas, I would start writing some random poems...

I'm different from the people that don't respect one another and that calls themselves guys...
I'm a self-proclaimed annoying brother that everyone wished to have.
I'm a self-proclaimed kind guy that likes everyone and is loved by everyone.

Well what else can i say about myself?
If i ever remember something interesting about me I'll let you know ^.^