Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busy Busy Busy....

hey guys .....and girls hehehe
its been a long week here....
my eyelids are having a difficult time staying open....
i think im going to crash right after this XD

well as you can see...ive been very busy...
I had to prepare some stuffs for the JROTC program...
I had to get ready for some tests for some random projects...
I had to get loads of stuffs ready for military ball that is going to be this friday...
I had to do many other small stuffs...

yesterday was the day i got drunk and high at the same time...
i dont think i want to do that again though hehehe
its such a high price to pay for feeling good i guess...
today i had to go through the day with a freaking hangover -.-'
it was fun although my friends that knew that i was hungover tried all they could to make me and my head hurt even more...
now im just listening to Ramstein and wondering what to write next...

i miss the time that me and my friend from Brunei used to chat and cam...
i hate being busy and the 16 hours difference XD
we still talk to each other but sadly not as much as before...
and now that she changed school, her phone has no reception,
so she cant IM me from her phone to my computer =(
sad isnt it??

with that, i'll stop here...


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