Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ahhhh shit happens

hey people ^^
imma be direct today
its going to be from good to bad
i don' t think it'll be in chronological order... anyway moving on...

so my girlfriend is in Merced now...UC Merced to be exact ^^ im proud that she got into a good school where she meet awesome roomies but sadly is now 360ish miles from Fullerton...but on the up side, im going to get to see her real soon ^^ im actually starting to save up for that day and all im sooooo hoping that the day will actually work...
first the plan was that i hitchhiked a ride from her mother for a weekend...but was canceled caus it was her idea and not her mother's....therefore i couldn't go...
then i got the idea that i would take the train up there....closely followed by canceling that idea caus i was eu....i AM kinda broke now hahaha
and then out of nowhere she txted me that i could go!
then my heart stopped for half a second and then started to beat like 100 times a second!
i was really happy to hear that her mother insisted that i go with her =)
so now im just planning everything till that day...i can't wait!

then on the sadder note.....

my favorite stalker isn't my favorite anymore...what i mean is that we hardly talk anymore...she has changed...alot...she isn't the same =(
im very sad to see that my relationships with people are going down the drain...

then later on that night (i crashed last night so im continuing it now ^^)
so yeah...........later on that night, my ex and i were talking...then we got into this huge argument about nothing...and i began to think that she was just jumping on the first opportunity to break what's left with our friendship... =(
but then again...shit happens right? i mean since when did things always went according to plan?

anyhow that's basically what happened...
write me if you want to know what happened and all...
take care peps
*Jimster outs*


  1. :(
    i'm not you're favorite stalker anymore???

  2. what in "my favorite stalker isn't my favorite anymore...what i mean is that we hardly talk anymore...she has changed...alot...she isn't the same =(
    im very sad to see that my relationships with people are going down the drain..."
    don't you understand???
