Wednesday, May 13, 2009

its been a while...

hey people!!!!!
its been a while since I've posted anything
I've been keeping myself busy hehehe
sorry people

anyhow let's see what happened.....................
My long lost friends (friends from over 5 years ago) found me on facebook!!!
I was so happy lol everybody moved on though
they are all planing on meeting up in winter break but sadly I'm stuck in California
but I'm not complaining that much ;)
Today i talked to my old Asian "brother" (a REALLY good friend) anyhow....
it has been like a year since we've talked and I'm really glad that we could talk once again.

Oh hey
remember that one dude that was sending me death threats and all?
well he left me alone and he got himself a girlfriend XD
and it was like 2 days after they broke up...
messed up isn't it??

on the bad side...
My other Hispanic brother is going to join the army...
and i don't have anything against him nor the army
it's just that he wants to go to New York....i mean NEW YORK!!!!
It's far... and i don't want to lose him... i mean he's a great friend and all...
and i mean, who's going to kick my ass airsofting if he's gone... =(

what else to talk about?...
some other stuffs happened along the way but I'm just to lazy to put it down i guess
yes i know I've been quite lazy these days...
oh and something great happened today... but I'm not in the liberty to discuss about it now ...
now i just hope i can write as soon as something new comes up xD
Peace out people


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